
Advertise your Job/Internship/Fellowship Listing on Black in Historic Preservation’s Job Board

All listings include advertisements on Black in Historic Preservation’s social media and responses to Company Profile Questions that share compensation for the listing for pay equity and company demographics for racial equity.

The ad above is on Twitter, Instagram, Mailchimp, and LinkedIn.

Before you purchase job listings, you must apply to post your jobs/internships/fellowships to the Job Board. Next, after you receive an email that approves your application, you may purchase your listing (s).

Thank You to Employers who have Advertised in the Job Board!

4Culture of King County, Washington State . Adirondack Architectural Heritage (AARCH) . Alabama African American Civil Rights Heritage Sites Consortium . Glave & Holmes . History Associates Inc . The Municipal Art Society of New York . Milwaukee Preservation Alliance . Preservation Durham . Spurlock Museum, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign . Washington State Historic Preservation Office . World Monuments Fund

Seekers: Search the Job Board for Jobs + Internships/Fellowships

Become a Member, click here.


  • For US-based Non-Profit Organizations and Government Agencies

    Listings can only publicize one position per listing. Each additional position would need to be posted as a separate listing.


    $100 per Internship/Fellowship Listing per Location


    $200 per Job Listing per Location

  • For US-based For-Profit Organizations

    Listings can only publicize one position per listing. Each additional position would need to be posted as a separate listing.


    $150 per Internship/Fellowship Listing per Location


    $250 per Job Listing per Location

  • This Job Board is a service that Black in Historic Preservation provides to the historic preservation community. To align with the Well-Being component of our Mission, employers must pay to post their job listing(s).

    All listings include advertisement on Black in Historic Preservation’s social media and responses to Company Profile Questions that share compensation for the listing for pay equity and company demographics for racial equity.

  • Listings that do not have a Closing Date will expire after 8 weeks.

  • Job and Internship listing purchases never expire. Purchases are non-transferable and employers cannot apply credits to previously posted listings. Purchases of listings become available after receipt of payment. Questions about a balance?

    Email: blackinhistpres@wrkshapkilowatt.com