Join the Black Preservationists Directory, get to know others, and access resources exclusively for Black professionals + students + grassroots advocates in the field of historic preservation + heritage conservation.
What’s Included
Black Preservationists Directory
The directory is a listing of Black professionals in the field of historic preservation. It serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in networking, collaborating with or supporting Black preservationists.
Job Board
The Job Board is a listing of submitted jobs in the field of historic preservation. Browse, apply or list jobs here.
Add Your Name to the Directory of Black Preservationists
Get discovered on the only list of Black preservationists, whether you’re a professional, student, citizen advocate or tradesperson.
Events Calendar
Get access to a comprehensive calendar of events and calls for conference proposals related to historic preservation, heritage conservation, history, and other allied fields happening across the country. For Gmail users: add events directly to your Google Calendar.
a $70/year value
A Black in Historic Preservation publication that features the voices of Black Preservationists and suggestions to make historic preservation/heritage conservation and allied fields more equitable. Members get first priority to publish essays and OpEds in the Substack.
Membership Pin
a $15.00 value
Get the Inaugural Black in Historic Preservation Membership Pin designed by Black woman-owned ArchitectPins. One pin per member. Shipping cost not included.
Most Importantly …
Support Black in Historic Preservation in living its values of racial equity and pay equity by compensating the Black minds and hands behind Black in Historic Preservation.
Profiles in Preservation
Profiles in Preservation features different Black contributors to the field of historic preservation and heritage conservation.
Get access to the Black in Historic Preservation Slack channel and share information with other Black Preservationists.
Member Talks
Share your work, research, and advocacy in historic preservation / heritage conservation in Black in Historic Preservation’s virtual Member Talks.
10-min Intro,
40-min talk
10-min. Q+A
Send a 250-word summary abstract with the proposed title of the talk to
Membership Options
Add yourself to the Black Preservationists Directory, plus Full Access to the following: a periodic e-newsletter, "ICYMI," and access to Black in Historic Preservation's Substack newsletter (a $70/yr value). Receive a Black in Historic Preservation Enamel Pin (a $15 value) : Please add the pin to your cart from the Merch tab.
Add yourself to the Black Preservationists Directory, plus Full Access to the following: a periodic e-newsletter, "ICYMI," and access to Black in Historic Preservation's Substack newsletter (a $70/yr value). Receive a Black in Historic Preservation Enamel Pin (a $15 value) : Please add the pin to your cart from the Merch tab.
Not a Black Preservationist, but want access to the Directory, add a listing to the Job Board, read Profiles in Preservation and more? Join as a Supporter >
Eligibility to Join
If you are a Black preservationist and you want to be added to the directory, you must:
Identify as Black.
Provide a minimum of one historic preservation experience (ie. historic preservation project/internship/thesis/presentation/social media advocacy, etc.).
Identify as one or more of the following.
Professional: Architect, Planners, Engineers, Attorneys, Teachers, etc. Architects, Historians, Archaeologists must meet the National Park Service's 36 CFR Part 61 qualifications.
Tradesperson or Supplier: Carpenters, Window Restorers, Electricians, Painters, General Contractors
Citizen Advocates for Preservation: Small business owners, volunteers, religious institutions, occasional advocate, and concerned neighborhood resident … if you love an elder building, place, or site, Black in Historic Preservation is for you!
Student: Junior College, Trade School, Undergraduate, Graduate
Yes, and thank you for being an early supporter of Black in Historic Preservation by becoming a Directory member. And, thank you for upgrading your support of Black in Historic Preservation by becoming a dues-paying Member of Black in Historic Preservation.
Beyond the Application Criteria, no, Black in Historic Preservation is volunteer-run. For efficiency of our time, the questions in the Google Form, such as past preservation projects and an Internet presence, serve as a basis of design for the Users' vetting process. The Directory is a starting point for collaboration and potential work. Therefore, the onus is on the Users of the Directory to vet the listings with the information provided.
Black in Historic Preservation reserves the right to remove or edit directory entries.
Yes, occasionally, Black in Historic Preservation will feature a Directory listing on social media.
No, please see the Terms of Use for this website.
However, you may cite the Directory, here's how - thanks to Prof. P. Gabrielle Foreman for this example (@profgabrielle on Twitter):
K. Kennedy Whiters, “Black Preservationists Directory,” Black in Historic Preservation, Date Site Visited, Time,
You are welcome to share, teach, and cite the Directory in excerpts or in its entirety, but do cite it - this is an act of race and gender equity. This applies to the website as well as to social media posts about it. Please let us know if you teach it or cite it so that we can track the Black Preservationists Directory's utility and impact (@blackinhistpres; pinned tweet or email us!).
Thanks to Prof. Jessica Marie Johnson for the example and language of citation ethics that we are using here: Jessica Marie Johnson, "How to Cite - #WickedFlesh," 2Feb2021, 9:41pm,
These Terms define "Users" as those who hire or collaborate in any way with individuals, businesses, and entities listed in the Black Preservationists Directory. Users of the "Black Preservationists Directory" hosted by Black in Historic Preservation agree that under no circumstances shall any claims asserted by the Users against "Professionals" or "Tradespersons" or "Citizen Advocates" or "Students" listed in the Directory, result in any liability on the part of Black in Historic Preservation.
In addition, all parties acknowledge and agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, no volunteer other representative of Black in Historic Preservation, the Users of the Black Preservationists Directory, or the Client shall have personal liability under any provision of this Agreement or for any matter in connection with the services provided by the Project. Black in Historic Preservation is not responsible to the Users of the Black Preservationists Directory or the "Professionals" or "Tradespeople" or "Citizen Advocates" or "Students" listed in the Directory or any third-parties for errors, omissions or other deficiencies in the services of the consultants retained by the Users of the Directory or any other design professional.
Additionally, listing in the Black Preservationists Directory does not imply endorsement or recommendation by Black in Historic Preservation.